Monday, September 8, 2014

First Day

Today was my first day at my new gym. After 2.5 years at a crossfit gym, I found myself feeling really out of place. The whole room was so quiet! I am used to one big room with loud music and everyone saying "Hey Fiona!" when I walk in the door. I am not going to lie, I will miss that.

I walked around and looked at all the complex weight machines in the new gym, wishing for the simple barbell, kettlebell and free weights I am used to. I found the kettlebells and decided to do a workout I made up:

500 row (2:05 pace)

12 lb kettlebell
Goblin Squats
Kettlebell cleans

Cool Down:
500 row (2:40 pace)

Everyone in the whole gym looked at me like I had 3 heads. I saw FIVE people reading books on the elliptical. I mean, if you can read an actual book, you are not working out. I am glad people are moving, but why not use your time wisely? Here I was grunting and running around, oy. It will be a transition. But I LOVED doing my own thing and running my own workout. I have missed that part. And I destroyed my quads. So all in all it was a good day.

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